Friday, January 4, 2019

My 2019 Bucket List

Happy 2019 everyone, wishing you all a loving and gentle year! I am using the first few days of this new year to reflect on 2018 and make plans for 2019. First up is my bucket list. I'm not big on resolutions because I find them not as "action based" as I'd like but bucket list are exactly that for me. A random mix of serious stuff that I dream of and small fun things I'd like to enjoy. And because writing things down makes them so much more real and well, makes me a lot more accountable, I thought i'd share them here :). In no particular order:

1. go to EYF
2. read 24 books
3. find a home
4. get a massage
5. watch fireworks
6. increase my income
7. go to the sea
8. grow Wild Handmade
9. cook from cookbooks
10. get my driver's licence
11. do a 100 days project
12. use the stash
13. swim
14. sew a pinafore dress
15. get a switch
16. make out
17. get better at yoga
18. try more plant dyeing
19. do 2 no spend challenge
20. plan a summer trip