Tuesday, December 25, 2018

The Makers Bookclub

Welcome to the first installment of the Makers' Bookclub! Today is the big reveal of our first picks for January/February! As announced previously, the format I have gone for is 2 books every 2 months. It could be two fictions, or one fiction and one non fiction and the whole point is that you have two whole months to read one of them (or you know, both if you feel like it. The first thing you might notice with those two books is that they are NOT new releases. I don't know about you, but despite my best efforts I always seem to read new books two years late. Sooo many get released all the time and the pressure to keep up is just too much for me. I also find that I am more in the mood for some books in specific seasons and so I figured for some of the picks of this bookclub I would go back to slightly older releases that perhaps just like me you missed out on or you know, have had on your shelves for two years gathering dust ;). Let me know how you feel about that!! (also, hoping that means it's easier to find second hand copies or get it from your library that way!)

Anyway, without further ado, the books I have selected for this new year are:

Uprooted by Naomi Novik and Big Magic: Creative Living Beyond Fear by Elizabeth Gilbert

E. Gilbert is obviously super well known for Eat Pray Love (which I personally adore, don't know about you) and in 2016 she came out with Big Magic, which is all about how to live a creative life. As a maker, being creative and finding inspiration are obviously always front of center so I figured this was just a perfect pick for a Maker's bookclub :) I do hope it will inspire you as well and will help you in making 2019 your most creative year!

As for Uprooted, it is a novel I bought as soon as it was released and then somehow put aside for too long. But the topic and general vibe of it is so perfect for the Winter season that I figure the time had come! It is also a perfect example of everything I like in fiction: magic, darkness, fairy tales, strong female characters, woods, wizards and so on. I am always looking for fantastic worlds that will draw me in and make me forget my life for a few hours, and I certainly hope this one will do that for us! (a quick extra note: I realize there is a chance some of you have already read this one so if that's the case feel free to swap it for Novik's new release Spinning Silver, just don't spoil it for me us haha)

Alright that's it! Let me know your thoughts, are you excited, interested, disappointed ??? 


(french version)

Hello les françaises, j'ai vu que vous étiez quelques une par ici et comme je ne sais pas trop si vous préférez lire en français ou en anglais je me suis assurée pour cette première selection d'avoir des livres disponibles en français :)
Pour commencer l'année, j'ai donc choisie Big Magic de Elizabeth Gilbert, disponible chez nous via Le Livre de poche sous le titre Comme par magie ! J'espère qu'il vous inspirera a faire de 2019 une année placée, entre autre, sous le signe de la créativité!
Coté fiction, j'ai choisi mon genre de predilection, la fantasy, avec Uprooted de Naomi Novik, disponible en France sous le titre Déracinée. Magie, forêt mystérieuse, princes et princesses, contes de fée et sorciers, je vous souhaite de réussir a vous evader quelques heures grâce a ce roman!

Bonne lecture!