Thursday, April 17, 2014


1/ GAUGE SWATCH. Two scary and boring words. Everyone says you need to make one, yet i am still looking for people who do. I sure don't. So yes, it means that sometimes i'll mess up and won't realize it until after hours spent on a project, but it's just so much more fun this way. Messing up is ok when you are creating something, i mean that's basically the only way you learn. And i like to live dangerously, knitting needles in hand! Try something new, make a mistake, try again, and again, it's all part of the process, right?2/ CASTING ON AND BINDING OFF. You'd think 2 little rows are nothing in the middle of the dozens or hundreds more you'll knit to create that pretty sweater. Well, you would be wrong. The very first and last rows of your work are basically the most important. And even though everyone has their favorite (hello long tail cast on <3) there are actually a lot of options out there. Imagine my surprise when i finished the main body of my sweater only to discover that my neck could not pass through. My basic bind off was too tight. Time to unravel and try again! (by the way, i am still looking for that perfect elastic bind off that gives a nice and clean border, in case someone's seen it...). Good news is, there is a lot of pretty books dedicated to that topic, and pretty books are awesome!3/ SO MUCH YARN. when i think knitting, i picture cute little sheeps. But really, there is an infinite  number of yarn types and colors. Wool, Alpaca, cotton, cashmere, merino. Some are extra thin, some super bulky. And the colors!! Yarn shops are my new heaven, and my bedroom now looks like a rainbow. Seriously, i thought my thickers and paper obsession was bad, but i feel like i've reached a all new level with yarn. Also, you can do so much more than knitting with yarn! Like weaving, making pompoms, yarn bombing a grey city and also, that AWESOME handmade chandelier. OH the possibilities <3 4/ JOINING YOUR PIECES aka SEAMING. I love crafts, of all kind. But hand sewing? A nightmare. It takes forever, you can't do anything else at the same time, and if not perfect, can ruin the look of your finished piece. Two solutions to that problem: find an awesome seaming technique (Hello Mattress Stitch, i LOVE you!) or learn to knit in the round, the magical land where seaming barely exist (i'm working on that, obviously!)5/ IT'S SUPER FUN. And now you think i'm crazy. But I swear, when you're like me and spend a whole lot of time either watching movies, watching TV Shows or sitting in the train, there is nothing better than to know you are creating something unique at the same time. And however far from perfection it is, when you're done and wear your knit for the first time, OH JOY. I feel like saying to anyone 'hey stranger, i made that! can you believe it? it's awesome'. I strongly believe in a Do It Yourself way of life, and even though i'm still a big fan of Urban Outfitters, wearing something i made is just the best. Try it!
Thursday, April 10, 2014


Looking out the window. 
Thinking there is hope in the trees, love in the sky. 
And beauty, everywhere. Keep dreaming.


One Photo and Twenty Words is hosted by Abi over at Creating Paper Dreams. Click that link, her blog is lovely and you'll get to see and read plenty of other stories. 
Tuesday, April 8, 2014


So, Project Life. It was fun, some weeks more than others. I think the biggest issue for me was that my favorite part of project life (or scrapbooking) is the photos. And some weeks i struggled to take enough photos to fill a spread, which would then take all the fun out of making the spread. Maybe i should have gone with a monthly PL rather than weekly, but once I started i didn't feel like changing it all (i like consistency i guess ^^). Then came the whole medical issue thing which got me stuck at home doing nothing for months. Bottom line: my PL album ends in August. First i thought: well this is a massive failure. Then i went back to the album, looking at all the spread i completed. And realized i had  8 months of really cool memories recorded. So, hey! success! That's how i've decided to look at it.

 I even have some spreads i need to finish, and a few fun things i tried and need to share here on the blog, like that week i spend in London in July and documented PL style. Or the day in the life i did in August and need to add to the album. Maybe i'll gather some of the photos i took on Christmas and do a spread about that too. Keeping it simple, and fun! 

As for 2014, i don't have any 12x12 album in the works, but i'm thinking mini albums (like the Capture system from Basic Grey). Maybe divided in four parts (Winter, Spring, Summer and Autumn) so i can take the best moments of each season and document those. What do you think? How have you been documenting 2014 so far?