Saturday, June 30, 2012



Not much scrapbook related news to share with you today, except that i ordered a bunch of new pictures so new layouts are definitely on the way!
This has been quite a good week, summer somehow seems on its way to Paris, i can even see bits of blue sky today! It's also been a crafty week, my sister wedding is in a week and we still have some work to do this week end. Family crafting is kinda cool ;)

My summer book is also looking good, i've done a few pages already, following Kara's prompt.
I'm so used to 12x12, it's fun to work on this little format for a change! Here are the first pages of the book:

Prompt one: This book is for

Prompt two: Introduction
Have a great week end!
Tuesday, June 26, 2012


I'm back with the second part of my summer book cover reveal and this time I'm gonna show you the back cover!

First I took the book cover i had left. I made the three holes with my silent setter. Next, since a large amount of the cover was covered with the title, i went looking for papers to cover it up.

I selected my papers and washi tapes, inked them and arranged them on the cover till i was satisfied. 

Time to make new holes, glue the papers and add my text. And here's the final result:

For the inside of the back cover, i know i wanted to put these lovely quote i found on Pinterest. I first tried a big handwritten version with lots of colors but did not like the result at all so i covered it with this pretty paper and then wrote the quote with some cute brown letter stickers. Finally i embellished a little by doodling a border and added two aqua dots. et voila!



Yesterday was kind of an awesome day with completely unpredicted things happening and leading to an extraordinary night. With two of my friends we get to go to the Premiere of Woody Allen's new movie: To Rome with Love and he was here to tell us a bit about the movie and make some funny jokes (I'm completely subjective here as Woody Allen is sort of my hero & by far favorite movie director!) The premiere was full for at least two weeks but we somehow managed to get three tickets from Twitter and the movie theater director that my friend randomly met in the morning.So that was awesome, magical and all and left me in a very good and creative mood as all of his movies do!

So I'm dedicating this day to craft and I'm first gonna share with you how I did the covers of my Summer book for the Summer of love class by Kara.

For the front cover i took the back cover of the book because this one was completely blue with no writing on it, and since i didn't want to recover it with paper it was perfect. I decided to call my book 'Summer love' but wanted to stress on the love aspect so what i did first was handstiched a yellow heart on the cover. The process is very simple:
1) draw a heart on your cover
2) make the holes (easier that trying to figure it out from behind after)
3) handstich!

Once this done i wrote my title with two different set of letter stickers then moved on to the bottom of the cover. I chose two pieces of papers & two washi tapes then arranged them till i was satisfied. To add a little volume i made little folds with the pink washi tape to give this cute 'wave' effect. Finally i put the year and that was it! 
Here are the pictures:

For the inside i used the same pink washi tape and made a simple frame. I knew i wanted to use this lovely 'this book belongs to' sticker that i have had forever but never used, but since it was very flat i felt like i needed more volume so i went through my embellishment stash and found this Love, Elsie photo frame which colors were perfect for this book! All I add to do left was add my name and this cute blue dot for an extra pop! 
Here's the final result: 

That was quite a long post, so I'll be back later to show you the back cover process!
Monday, June 25, 2012

Product crush Monday


Hope you all had a lovely week-end, i spend mine baby-sitting my nephew, he's a real sweatie  ♥

Monday again, so it's time for a new edition of Product Crush Monday, and today I'm gonna tell you about Lim Heng Swee, a Malaysian illustrator who makes the cutest artworks for you to hang on your wall. Her Etsy Shop is call Doodling a Smile and can be found right here.She's also really sweet and her packagings are real cute ;)

Here are some of my current favorite pieces (at the beginning of the post is the one I currently own, it's called Lonely Traveller & you can see it here):

Xo, Alinor

Those are not sponsored posts, just me telling you what are currently love. 
Friday, June 22, 2012


Hi everyone!

It's been kinda sunny here today, for the first time since... well I don't even remember but let's just say that my spring looked a lot like Autumn in Paris :/ Just made me realize how much blue or grey skies can determine how you feel. Haven't been doing much lately but since I am so not letting this summer pass without me doing anything I just signed up for a Summer online class over on Kara Haupt's blog. I remember looking at her photos and crafts a few years ago & already lovin' them, people so creative always amazes me.

Anyway the class is called Summer of love and I'm hoping it might help bringing summer over to my place at last. The purpose of the class is to create a vintage mini book to record our Summer, plus Kara is sharing lots of photography tips to help us record our Summer. I had my camera forever but it still feels like I'm discovering new things everyday, especially when it comes to night shots!

I'm just starting but I'll share some peeks here soon. Meanwhile, here's what I've been doing today (while watching a good ol' DVD, loving summer holidays so far ;))

Enjoy your week-end!
Wednesday, June 20, 2012


Hi there!

Today we're getting back at scrapbooking with a lovely picture of my nephew and the just as lovely Dear Lizzy collection from American Crafts.
I've used this week Starting Point from Shimelle (it's right here if you want to give it a try) then got stuck on the title, asked for help over at Two Peas (thanks so much girls!) and after one long night of sleep finally ended up with a complete layout!

I mostly used products from the Dear Lizzy collection, including this awesome chevron paper that I would need a pack of, the aqua paper and pink sticker border are from Crate Paper and then i added a few extra to make it pop! As for the title, I finally went with a french version that sounded a lot better than any other title so I just went with it.

Here's a close up on the details:

Have a lovely day,

Tuesday, June 19, 2012


A while ago i told you about this awesome DIY by Elsie of a wall art made from a vintage paint. 
I don't own any paint that i would like to sacrifice so i thought of other ways to make a wall art and came up with three: 
- directly using a canvas
- covering the canvas with a first layer of paint 
- covering your canvas with a pretty paper

I've used all of these techniques and done three wall arts, based on sentences i liked or found out on Pinterest (I've got a 'quotes' board on my Pinterest if you need some extra inspiration). I used canvas of various sizes for all of them and letter stickers from my old stash (btw, that's a GREAT way to use letter stickers that you don't seem able to put on a layout).

Here's a quick DIY on how to do this:

Extra tips to make it work:
- choose stickers that are sticky enough so the paint won't go under BUT no so sticky so you won't rip your background when removing the stickers. For me that clearly was the main difficulty. Of course if you directly use the canvas as background you won't have any problem (like in the 'for like ever' canvas) but if like me you want extra color then be careful!
- if your background and paint colors are not contrasting enough, don't hesitate to draw the edges of your letters, but be careful with the pen you use, some don't do well on paint texture! 

That's it for today, hope your feeling inspired too. Please do feel free to share here your wall arts, I'm always looking for pretty things to look at ;)
Monday, June 18, 2012

Product crush Monday

Helloo everyone! 

I thought I'd start this new week with a new feature here on the blog. It's called Product crush

I don't know for you, but I do love spending time on Etsy looking for the perfect items to use on my scrap and crafts or just to hang since they're just so darn pretty. I'm pretty sure you too like cute things so I figured out: why not share some of my crushes with you here! 
Some of the time it will be items i bought, some of the time just things I spent to much time looking at on my screen! 

 For the first edition, I want to talk to you about Postrgram, that i discovered very recently on the Skunkboy blog. Yet another website surfing on the Intagram wave you'll tell me? Yeah probably, but who cares? What they propose is a giant poster (wait for it) of one of your instagram photo (wait a bit more) made of your instagram feed! As I read this it sounds a bit weird, but let me tell you, it looks amazing! 

Here's the proof: 

I looove the concept and seriously want one, except my instagram account is still a work in progress so I'll have to wait a bit more (but I have a lot of picture taking coming ahead in the months to come as the BIG trip is coming in sight ;) ) 

So that was my product crush for this Monday, hope you'll tell me what you think of it!

Xo, Alinor
note: those posts are not sponsored posts. Just things that i liked and wanted to tell you about ;)
Saturday, June 16, 2012


Hi there!

Today I'm gonna share with you my latest DIY project that I showed you on yesterday post. It's a cute little sewed fabric that's now hanging on my wall on an embroidery hoop. I love those little things because they make great wall decoration, they're pretty cheap and they help me use these stash of cute fabrics I buy from time to time on flea markets but never use (my secret wish is to learn how to make a quilt).
For this one I used a white and pink polka dot fabric and chose to write 'let's go'. It's pretty much my favorite sentence nowadays, I just don't seem to get over my need for travel, I want to see it all :)

So here it is, with a quick step by step process for those interested!

Have a great weekend! 
Xo, Alinor
Friday, June 15, 2012

on finding inspiration

I've been reading lots of things lately about inspiration, organisation, and process to create more easily. On those points I take most of my inspiration from two very talented bloggers: Elsie Larson from A Beautiful Mess and Elise Blaha (there's a link to both of their blog on the right of this page). I'm truly amazed to see them post new things everyday without any post ever being totally meaningless, and all making sense together. 
I'm quite new to blogging so it's still a bit hard for me to find my rhythm and answer simple questions like 'what do I want to talk about?' 'how often?'... I considered joining an online blogging class with tips and all (Shimelle and also Elsie gave one at some point I believe) but blogging is so personal I'm not sure it would help. Instead I'm thinking a lot, taking notes everywhere and finding inspiration right from the source: the things that surrounds me. Wanna take a look?


So this is our guest bedroom/computer room where I spend most of my time if I'm not sleeping or watching a movie (these I do in my bedroom). I'm a huuuge lover of blue, apple green and purple so you can see a lot of them. 
The desk is where I do all of my scrap/craft projects but it's always filled with ongoing projects and little artworks that inspired me. At the moment there's:
- Neverland related artworks (the map and two little canvas I made a while ago, all with the Neverland Kit from Elsie)

- a Pixar print I got at my last job

- a clipboard in need of some serious decoration that I use as my washi holder (I'm always using them so it's a lot better to keep them out of my drawer and instantly reachable)

- two embroidery hoops where I put lovely inspiring fabrics (I'll tell you more about the 'let's go' one tomorrow!)
- and finally two new canvas projects on my current obsession: words! More on that tomorrow, with detailed photos and a tutorial!

Enjoy your day,

Thursday, June 14, 2012


Sooooooo I havn't blogged in quite some time, not that I didn't feel like it but simply for lack of time. I'll try & do better from now on :s

Anyway, the reasons that have kept me away are all happy ones so I guess it's no big deal as long as everyone's happy :D

May and June have been full of cool new stuff like:

1. A Summer school at l'Ecole du Louvre (it's a museology/art history school right next to... The Louvre). It's been greaaat, I'm majoring in cultural management but more from an economic/business perspective so I learned tons of new things and got to see some beautiful and inspiring places, here are a few pics:

2. Bachelorette party. My sister is getting married in July and as her sister/bridesmaid I got to throw her a party that took me some time to plan. I went for Barcelona as our destination because of the fun/sunny/cheap combo of this great city. Plus it's not that far from home. Hence the reason of my absence last week, I was to busy having fun in Barcelona :p. We took lots of pictures and I think I'm gonna do some regular scrapbook pages for my album but also a mini book that I will give to my sister as a little memory present. Here are some pics:

That's it for today, things should be a little quieter from now on and I have a ton of craft projects ahead so I should be back real soon!

Saturday, June 2, 2012


Hello everyone!

Back when I was in London (a month ago, time flies!), we visited the most incredible forest/gallery. It's a sculpture foundation surrounded by a 'forest' in the middle of which are exhibited large-scale sculptures. So basically you go on walking in the domaine and all around you are amazing sculptures that just seem
to belong in the nature. I like galleries and museum but this was something else entirely, simply marvelous.
I took a few pictures of my favorite sculptures and did this quick layout(based on this week Glitter Girl challenge):

And for the most curious of you, some extra photos of the foundation: