THE NIGHT CIRCUS - Erin Morgenstern
Oh boy that book! I've actually had it in my room for like 2 years but suddenly decided now was the time. The cover of the book is full of superlatives and other -ing words which I wasn't super convinced about at first. And yes, it took me a little while to get into it. But once I did, the circus had me. Magical story, in the very purest sense of the word magic. Really great books have a way of coming to life as you read them, and for a second there, I could swear that I really was in the circus, going through the Ice Garden and the Wishing tree. The writing is absolutely beautiful, everything incredibly detailed and the perfect mix of realistic and magic. You don't need to love fantasy to read it, you just need to love stories. And who doesn't? Go read it! Plus, I will very soon tell you a little more about it as it has inspired me to knit, as any good rêveur would ;)
Fave quote: "The circus arrives without warning. No announcements precede it. It is simply there, when yesterday it was not" (this is the first line of the book. go read the rest ;))
THE ROSIE EFFECT - Graeme Simsion
Urgh. I DID NOT like this book. Which is very weird because i loved Book 1 (report here). For the first time in my life, I got stressed out by a book. But also frustrated, angry and pretty bored. The first book was very sweet and funny but I don't know if it's the theme of that one (pregnancy mostly) or what, but I did not enjoy it at all. Also, vegetarian pregnant women who suddenly realize that meat is the best food in the world and give me a cow right now ARE NOT A THING! So let me eat my Tempeh please! Frustrating I told you. Anyone read it?
Actually read that book like 3 years ago but somehow couldn't remember anything about it so I decided to give it a go again. I'd say it's not a bad story, but I had such a hard time getting attached to the characters that I found myself not caring very much. I like the whole concept of stories coming to life and the power of imagination, but it wasn't as magical as I think it could have been. It's some sort of a failed attempt at creating a Narnia type story but with Grimm brothers fairy tales. Honestly, I've read it a month ago and already forgot most of it. One thing I really loved though: the last line of the book (see below) ;)
Fave quotes:
"And, in the darkness, David closed his eyes as all that was lost was found again."
“Stories wanted to be read, David's mother would whisper. They needed it. It was the reason they forced themselves from their world into ours. They wanted us to give them life.”
I love fantasy. And this year, I really wanted to go back to the stories that inspired the most recent fantasy novels such as Harry Potter. Looking on the Internet, I heard about 2: The Riftwar series by Feist and The Earthsea Cycle by Ursula K Le Guin. Got this last one, and read Book 1. I found it was really good, yet way too short for my taste (below 200 pages). Good thing there's like 4 or 5 other books. My favorite part was the writing, which was just so beautiful and detailed. I kept thinking, we don't write books like that anymore (I'm secretly 65 you all)! I'm a sucker for long, wordy paragraphs and rich description, especially in fantasy where there's a whole world that needs to come to life through the words. Second favorite thing was how it made me think of all the more recent fantasy novels and making the connection in terms of inspiration. She was one of the first authors to develop the idea of a school of magic for instance. All that to say, I very much think that anyone who loves fantasy should dive into the magical world of Earthsea! Will start Book 2 very soon!
Fave quote:
"For a word to be spoken, there must be silence. Before, and after."
"In that moment Ged understood the singing of the bird, and the language of the water falling in the basin of the fountain, and the shape of the clouds, and the beginning and end of the wind that stirred the leaves; it seemed to him that he himself was a word spoken by the sunlight."
Joining the bandwagon two years later, as usual. Not at all what I had expected. Did not liked it all that much honestly. I didn't expect to spend that much time on his childhood (50% of the book) and expected more art/painting related content. Instead I got kids who do drugs and violence and a whole lot of darkness. I didn't relate or felt very much for any of the characters which is never a very good sign for me. Not sure what everyone loved about that book, would love to hear your opinion if you've read it!
Fave quote: "None of us ever find enough kindness in the world, do we?"